
yoga in missouri

Sound Bath and Sound Massage

It may sound like I am deviating from talking about yoga, but I am not. The use of sound waves is a great way to relax and come into a meditative state. I experienced my first live sound bath a few years ago in Colorado, and I remember feeling so amazing after and telling all...

My New Yoga Credential!

Big news, friends, and even bigger THANK YOU to all everyone who supports me in this adventure by watching my videos on YouTube or reading my blog or taking my classes and workshops. ONE THOUSAND hours of yoga (and counting) is, as my son says, “A LOT of Yoga.” Let me know where you would...

My Origin Story

All superheroes have an origin story. Ok, so I’m not a superhero, but when I hold a headstand or crow pose, knowing where I started, I sure feel like one. Ironically, practicing yoga used to make me physically ill. I wanted to practice yoga, but every time I tried I ended up with a migraine...


”I’m not flexibile enough for yoga.” ”Yoga is just stretching.” Hmm….well, neither of these statements is true, as anyone who practices yoga regularly can attest, but these are common reasons why people avoid stepping into the yoga studio. Are you one of them? If either or both of these misconceptions are keeping you from class...